Dentures are replacements for missing teeth. There are two types of dentures:

Fixed or loose dentures. The dentist at Christiania Dental Center will of course advise you on which prosthesis is best for you.

Which denture do you need?

Once one or more teeth have been lost, you must discuss with the dentist which denture solution is best for you.

In the vast majority of cases, fixed solutions are best. Fixed solutions such as implant crowns, implant bridges or dental bridges will feel like your own teeth. You can read more about these solutions here.

Compared with loose prostheses, the cost is somewhat higher and the manufacturing time for final construction may be a little longer. Ease of use and durability are better, compared to loose prostheses.

Biologically speaking, fixed replacements are better for you; such solutions prevent prosthesis passage and resorption of jawbones which in the long run is a problem with loose prostheses. They load the residual set to a lesser extent. This especially applies to implant solutions as a relief for neighboring teeth.

What types of prostheses do we have:

Basically, we distinguish between 2 types of prostheses; Full prosthesis (denture) or partial prosthesis.

If you have a set of residual dental teeth that can be used to attach a partial denture, it will often be a great advantage. If none of the teeth can be preserved, you will need a complete denture.

A prosthesis is made after an accurate impression of the jaw comb. We use a gum-colored acrylic material where artificial teeth in plastic are attached. The prosthesis for the lower jaw is horseshoe-shaped because there must be room for the tongue.

Three different types of dentures

A full denture replaces all the teeth in a jaw. A new full denture is usually made to replace an old full denture.

An immediate (“immediately”) prosthesis is the first prosthesis made for this jaw. It is inserted the same day as the last teeth are extracted. Also in this case, they are pre-taken imprints of the upper and lower jaw.

These dentures have the advantage that you avoid a toothless period. On the other hand, the inner surfaces of the prostheses must be subjected later, because the jaw combs change during healing after all the teeth have been removed. Poor adaptation to the jaw comb usually means that the prosthesis will not attach optimally.

After the prosthesis has been used for a few years, it can be expected that the jaw comb has been resorbed to some extent and the prosthesis is looser. Then you can make a new underlining with acrylic material to improve attachment to the prosthesis.

If you are in a situation where teeth cannot be saved and a complete denture solution is relevant, you should first consider with us if there are other better alternatives. With the All on 4 technology, which you can read more about here , we can today in most cases actually pull teeth and insert permanent natural teeth on the same days. Our dentists have long and good experience in performing such procedures

A partial prosthesis is also called a partial prosthesis. This type of denture has hooks that attach the prosthesis to the natural, remaining teeth and therefore fits significantly better than full dentures.

We make 2 types of partial dentures with us:

  • Prostheses with metal or Peek skeleton. This is a very solid prosthesis that is intended for long-term use (5-15 years). Occasionally, specially designed crowns are made for the residual dental set to provide extra attachment to a partial denture.
  • Prostheses with skeleton of Nylon acrylate. This is a good temporary solution, but can work for up to 5 years. These prostheses are usually very user-friendly and look natural. They are softer than the partial dentures mentioned above and can be experienced as a little easier to handle

Denture experiences

Partial dentures can be a good alternative to fixed bridges or implant-fixed teeth.

Denture procedure

After examination, the dentist takes a casting of your jaw. The dental technicians will then adapt a wax structure to the prosthesis.

This will then be turned into acrylic and adapted so that it fits in your mouth. After delivery of the prosthesis, it must be assumed that the adaptation of the prosthesis takes some time. It is not uncommon for the dentist to make incisions on the prosthesis afterwards for the prosthesis to adapt better.

It takes 2 – 4 weeks from the start of a treatment until the prosthesis is finished. In special cases, we can do it much faster as we have dental technicians at the clinic who can help us.

Denture price

Dentures vary in price. Variables are the number of teeth to be included, the type of prosthesis you choose and whether you receive a HELFO refund.

With us, a prosthesis costs from 3800, – 13500, -. The dentist will inform you in advance what you must expect to pay for the denture.

Important control at the dentist when using a denture

Denture care

There are always small changes in the mouth and the prosthesis will eventually get worse. This means that it becomes more difficult to chew with, that it loosens when you speak and that the gums on which the prosthesis rests can be irritated and even provide a breeding ground for fungal infection (candida infection).

The prostheses must be removed and cleaned twice a day. You should do this while brushing your teeth. The denture can be cleaned in the same way as your own teeth; brush them with the toothbrush. You should not use toothpaste on your denture.

As mentioned above, the dentist can underlay the prosthesis on the inside or perhaps renew the inside (rebasing) the pink plastic (acrylic) that the teeth are in.

You should see your dentist at least 1-2 times a year to maintain your teeth and gums. On these visits, we remove bacterial deposits and discoloration on teeth and dentures and ensure that residual teeth stay healthy.

Denture fastener

If your prosthesis is not firmly attached, we recommend that you use an adhesive under the prosthesis that glues the prosthesis to the mucous membrane. There are several different fasteners. The one we recommend is Corega, which is a cream-shaped fastener that is applied and can work for a whole day.

Should I use the prosthesis at night

It is entirely up to you what you prefer. It is beneficial to use the prosthesis at night if you are bothered by pain in the jaw joints and facial muscles. The prosthesis can then have a stabilizing and relaxing effect. If you do not sleep with the prosthesis at night, the prosthesis can lie dry in the bedside table drawer.

Dental prosthesis NAV

If you do not have the funds yourself for your own stay, you can apply to NAV for support to cover the costs of the prosthesis. In many cases, HELFO will also be able to help reduce your costs. Our dentists are up to date on what support schemes apply to you. A tip is that you now take care of dental health journals and obtain old journals. HELFO often requires this in order to give you support. If you receive support from HELFO, you will only have to pay the deductible

Dentures Oslo

Christiania dental center has 3 dental techniques with us that can help us create a solution that is best for you. We can offer you the prosthesis repaired on the day if you are unlucky and, for example, damage the prosthesis.

Christiania Dental Center is located in the center of Oslo, right next to Oslo Plaza and Oslo Central Station.

Time for a dental check-up?

Regular dental care is important to prevent dental problems, detect early signs of disease, maintain good oral health and get the necessary treatment. By taking care of your teeth, you can achieve healthy oral health and contribute to overall well-being.