Dental implants are a procedure where you insert false teeth where there are missing teeth

It can be a single tooth or a bridge. The new teeth are fixed by letting a titanium screw grow into the jawbone, and then attach to a crown or bridge.

This is a treatment our specialists in prosthetics and bite function and in periodontics perform daily, and we can dare to say that they have perfected over many years.

Christiania tannlegesenter here in Oslo has its own department for difficult cases and accepts patients with referral from colleagues across the country. The treatment is usually done in a waking state, but we also offer the treatment done in sedation or anesthesia.

Implants – what are they made of?

Loss of teeth can be both daunting and uncomfortable for a person. However, it is possible to replace almost all missing teeth with implants.

The implants are made of titanium. Titanium is used because of its good properties. It is biocompatible, which makes the screws you use tighten in the jaw. This provides a stable root for a new dental crown, which is thus fixed in the implant. Teeth bridges can be attached to the titanium implant in the same way. This is tailored to the patient’s wishes and needs.

Before performing the implant treatment

We need to do a thorough examination of the patient’s general health. Factors such as illness, medication and smoking can affect the outcome of treatment and must be taken into consideration.

So-called local conditions, such as type and multiple bone tissue, distance to the sinus in the upper jaw and the nerve duct in the lower jaw, are carefully considered. We usually do several different x-rays to get as accurate a picture of the local conditions as possible.

The most important thing is that the patient is constantly aware of the treatment plan and feels well informed. Therefore, we set aside plenty of time for this before any treatment.

You can read more about implant and implant treatment on these pages: implant procedures, implant in the elderly, implant pricing

Frequently asked questions about dental implants

A dental implant is a replacement for one or more missing teeth. It consists of a surface treated titanium screw that replaces the tooth root of the missing tooth. Then you can attach to crowns or bridges, what you want to think of as the false teeth. Oxidized titanium is used because of its outstanding properties; Bone cells can grow into the surface of the implant. This gives the new tooth a good attachment. The implant can be inserted into the upper or lower jaw.

Den viktigste grunnen til å velge tannimplantat er at det føles og oppfører seg som en naturlig tann. Det er stabilt og komfortabelt. Etter at man har satt det inn trengs det vanligvis ikke særlig mye justeringer. Hvis man er nøye med renhold og vedlikehold, og ikke røyker, kan implantatet vare livet ut.

Fra en tannleges perspektiv er implantat å foretrekke fordi det ikke skader nabotennene, som andre alternativer, slik som protese, har en tendens til å gjøre.

Whether the implants work well is of course an important issue for the patient considering undergoing treatment. The answer is in the results seen after 30 years of development of the method and in over one million patients; there has been a success rate of nearly 95 percent on individual dental implants – and even higher success rates for the bridges they anchor.

Prisen på tannerstatning med implantater avhenger blant annet av hvor mange tenner som skal erstattes og hvor mange implantater som trengs for å støtte tannerstatningene. Det kan være nødvendig å utføre enkelte forberedende arbeider før implantatene settes inn, for å sikre at de varer lenge. En ordinær implantatsoperasjon koster 10.900 kroner. Implantatkoner koster 10.500 kroner. Ofte kan man få refusjon for behandlingen av HELFO. Da blir behandlingen vesentlig rimeligere. Vi er nødt til å undersøke pasienten for å kunne gi et konkret prisoverslag. Under undersøkelsen er vi i stand til å sette diagnose og anbefale det beste behandlingsalternativet.

There is a certain risk of complications associated with all surgical procedures, but fortunately it is very rare. In an implant operation, there is a risk of bleeding in the oral cavity, but it is usually quite harmless. In addition, nerves and mucous membranes can be affected by such an intervention. It is usually transient, but it is important to detect it early. Therefore, we emphasize communication with the patient immediately after the procedure.

Anyone missing one or more teeth may be appropriate candidates for dental implants, regardless of whether one has lost the tooth due to injury, illness or tooth decay. The most important factor is the amount of available bones. To find out if implants are an option for the individual patient, the dentist must conduct an examination and evaluation. Here at Christiania Dental Center in downtown Oslo, we have specialists who assist the dentist in tailoring the treatment that suits the patient’s needs and wishes.

We find that elderly patients are sometimes concerned that age means they are not relevant to dental implants. However, from a dentist’s point of view, health is a more important factor than age. If you are healthy enough to have a tooth extracted, you are probably healthy enough to get implants. The biggest difference we see compared to younger patients is that healing can take longer. Once the implant has germinated in place, there is no difference in the results between the age groups. The dentist will determine if you are appropriate for dental implants after a thorough assessment of the patient’s dental health and general health.
  • Better look: Many people who lose teeth experience that their face looks older. This is because the jaw bone shrinks when you lose teeth. Dental implants can stop the creeping process because they activate the jawbone. Traditional dentures and dental bridges do not activate the jawbone in the same way.
  • Natural Teeth Preserved: To facilitate the use of dental bridges, the teeth next to the missing teeth usually need to be sanded down to make room. There is usually no need to do this when inserting an implant.
  • Permanent solution: The dental implant normally lasts life once it is inserted. There are no loose parts that the patient has to pay attention to. The implant feels completely natural, stable and comfortable.

Dental implants often provide tangible improvements in quality of life. People who have been unsure and worried about their dental problems are often overwhelmed by what new, permanent teeth do to their self-esteem. Many people say that they feel much more confident in social contexts and are no longer ashamed of missing teeth.

Implant-supported dental replacements feel as if they function as natural teeth. You can eat and drink exactly what you want.

We combine implants with modern dental restorations. The vast majority of patients who have had the treatment performed with us say that they are satisfied with both the appearance and function of the new teeth. It is often very difficult to tell the difference between the real teeth and the dental implants. The porcelain solutions we usually use are highly aesthetic and look very natural.
Immediately after the operation, you must go through an adjustment period with the dental implants. Then you can chew normally. The new teeth are very strong and can be used in the same way as the natural teeth.

From the first consultation until the implants can be used, it usually takes between two and six months. How long it takes depends on how well the implant is attached to the jaw, how many teeth to replace, which teeth to replace and the patient’s health.

Before the operation, the dentist must take a three-dimensional X-ray of the area in which the implant is to be attached, to ensure that the procedure is as precise as possible. The procedure itself can be done in an hour. After the operation, there is a healing period of three to six months. During that period, the patient receives a temporary prosthesis until a permanent crown can be put in place.

Most procedures involve some discomfort, and implant placement is unfortunately no exception. Usually, there is less discomfort associated with inserting one implant than several. However, we have received feedback from many of our patients that they felt much better after the procedure than they had expected. To alleviate any pain in our patients, we use anesthetics and sedatives. You can also choose to carry out the treatment under anesthesia.

After the treatment, the dentist prescribes medication to reduce any discomfort.

The dentist can try to put the patient in contact with patients who have already completed the treatment, so that they can answer any questions, if desired.

It is normal with minor bruising and swelling in the gums and soft tissue. However, any discomfort can be treated with common painkillers. You can go to work the next day.

The new teeth are maintained in the same way as the natural teeth. Brushing and flossing are used regularly. You should go to the dentist every six months, or more often if you are advised to do so.