Do you have a dream of regulating your teeth without anyone seeing it?

Invisalign is a transparent, orthodontic, consisting of a series of clear plastic rails. These are specially made and adapted to your teeth.

You replace the adjustment rails yourself as the tooth position of the teeth changes, approx. every 14 days. The teeth will thus gradually move, week by week, towards the final and desired end position.

You only need to get checked every 4-6. week and receive new rails every time. To achieve an optimal treatment result, the rails must be used 22 hours a day. They are removable so you can eat, drink and clean your teeth as normal.

Invisalign braces are not suitable for all types of changes and can often, but not always, replace the need for conventional braces. In many cases, it can be a simple, convenient and discreet alternative.

We welcome a non-binding consultation

During your first visit, we will give you an introduction to the treatment method and a clinical assessment of your dental position will be made. You will then receive information about the expected course of treatment and receive a cost estimate.

Call us on tel. 24 10 12 70 to find a time that suits you or send us an email to [email protected]

Marija Ristic